Saturday, August 1, 2009

The climb that did me in ...

Although I think I am pretty fit for 57, my respiratory system is not the greatest. I am prone to bronchitis and coughing, even though I have never smoked. Perhaps my problems are evidence of the damage of second-hand smoke - who knows. The climb to LaVisite is steep and rocky - the top of the mountain is well over 6,000 feet. We had been climbing for about 3 1/2 hours, when I realized I was slowing the group down - because I needed to stop every half dozen steps just to catch my breath. As I looked forlornly at the next climb (the photo with Diane), Gwen said to me, "Carol, this is why we have the mule. You need to ride for awhile." So up I went, looking every one of my years on the mule, yet I was so grateful to be in Haiti, with friends like Susan, who had the foresight to insist that we needed the mule as insurance that we would all arrive together! You can also notice the cloud cover hovering over the mountain. We did not want to get caught in a downpour!

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